Recently, we were asked about creating a process in Zendesk to reassign a ticket back to their Group if it goes unanswered for 24 hours after a customer responds.
I would do this:
Create Automation -
All Conditions:
- Ticket: Hours since requester update - Business Greater Than - 24
- Ticket: Tags - Contain none of the following - 24_hour_update_needed
- Ticket: Status - is - Open
Perform these actions:
- Ticket: Add tags - 24_hour_update_needed
Then head over to your triggers (actually maybe do the trigger first so it fires off when the automation adds the tag, in case it happens before you get the trigger set up!)
Create Trigger:
All Conditions:
Ticket - is - Updated
Tags - Contains at least one of the following - 24_hour_update_needed
Assignee - (blank)
Notify target - Auto Private Comment
Message Please check in with requester!
Remove tags - 24_hour_update_needed <--- This will set it up so the process can run again on this ticket should it need to. Add a different tag if you want to report on how many tickets this occurs on. But still remove the original one!
Don't forget to test this out!!
Hope this helps.
Having a hard time trying to create a certain trigger -- mind taking a look?
I need to create a trigger that IF:
Action is taken:
Any advice would be appreciated.