We have many Agents and they all respond slightly different to the same questions asked by our customers. How do we get more efficient and use similar language in our responses?
I was asked this question recently and it was not the first time. You want to give your Customer Support Agents a way to quickly respond to questions without sacrificing the quality of their response. And harmonize the responses in a way that you’re satisfied with as the overall tone and voice to the customer.
My answer: Use Macros!
Here’s how:
Pull up the ticket that has the response text you prefer or close to it.
If you’ve set up your permissions to only allow Admins to create macros usable by others, which I suggest, then as an Admin follow these steps:
- Go to Admin —> Manage —> Macros and click “Add macro” on the top right.
- Add the title and Availability (multiple groups now allowed!)
- Select “Comment Mode” = Public
- Select Comment/Description and paste the text you got from the ticket you had opened. Edit the text as needed
- Select Add tags and set one that adds a tag when this macro is used. This will help when you’d like to track when this macro is used. This is priceless in creating views and reports to review tickets that used this response and analyze edits. Many times you find a new macro is needed or this macro needs a tweak.
- Click “Create” and you’re all set! All that’s left is training your Agents.
If you’d like me to review the macros you have or deliver a dynamic, inclusive training, please contact me by using the pop up widget on the bottom right of your screen.