Zendesk is more than a CRM (Customer Relationship Management tool). It has nuances that you might not think of until one of your administrators makes a "small" change and your whole workflow breaks down! We've all been there and learned the hard way.
We have years of Zendesk Administration under our belts, having customized Zendesk instances for different customers with different needs. Sometimes you just need to talk out ideas for a solution with a fellow Zendesk "geek". Sometimes you need more hands-on help.
If you have a Zendesk Admin on staff, congratulations! You're ahead of the game. If your admin needs a little boost or if you don't have one on staff, our freelance administration services could be the answer. We are independent contractors working on an as-needed basis.
Our most popular package:
Best Practice Sweep of your Zendesk instance
- Is your Zendesk instance set up for highest efficiency? We'll take a look through your settings, Triggers, Automations, Views and more and hand you back our suggestions for improvements.
- Small: 1-20 Agents or 1 Department: 5-7 hours
- Med: 21-50 Agents, up to 10 Groups: 8-15 hours
- Large: 51+ Agents, 10+ Groups, 2+ Departments: 15-22 hours
Feel free to contact us if you want to vet your ideas for Zendesk enhancements. We will help you carve out a Best Practice solution for the issue at hand.
Contact us now!